Friday, March 26, 2010

Subliminal Web Shopping

An earlier post, Happy Belated New Year, about the glorious web site "your baby is an asshole dot com" is now null and void. Said web site now directs you to: buy Xanax. Awwwwwww. Silly web hackers. If you didn't get a chance to see the wonder that was "your baby is..." you missed out. RIP, glorious web site. You are missed.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dangling the Carrot

I can't let March go by without at least ONE post! Today's rant: paychecks. I work, as I've mentioned before, at a large southeastern university. Today is Thursday, March 25th. Salaried employees such as I get paid at midnight of the last work day of the month (in arrears). We routinely receive e-mails to tell us when our paychecks will be viewable online...a week ahead of time. So, though I won't actually GET the money for seven days, I can LOOK AT the money. It's like window-shopping and it gets me down every single time. I don't live hand-to-mouth and I don't need that paycheck any sooner than it's going to get to me...but still. Why you gotta dangle it in front of my face, you know?