Wednesday, November 18, 2009

El Presidente

7:30am this morning. I had something to drop off for signature in the Administration Building of the University where I work.
Ride up in the elevator to the Executive Floor...lights off everywhere except for the President's Office. Not unusual, but I did scoff a little...
I go to the office next door to the President and shove my envelope under the door...and who pops his head out to see who's there?? Our President.
"Wow! Hey, Dr. _____, I didn't expect to see you here. How's it going?"
(He doesn't know me from joe. He has no reason to. I mean, he knows he's seen me, and I've been to his home for various events, and he knows in some way I'm some vice president's assistant, but he doesn't exactly know me by name.)
He's a congenial fellow, though, so of course he says, "Good morning. How are you?" "Fine," I say, "Why are we the only two people working on this campus at this hour?" He says - and this just makes me laugh: "Well...SOMEbody's gotta run the place!" "Yes, sir...and I'm glad it's YOU." Hilarious.
I've repeated my story about five times today and no one finds it as funny as I do. Go figure.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

B of A pisses me off

There, I've said it. I have been a B of A customer since, oh, let's say, the early 90's. Clark Howard has complained about them for years, but here's my gripe: their ATM cards BLOW. I can't tell you the number of times I have been asked to swipe, re-swipe, and triple-swipe my card. It happens at ATM's, the grocery store, random doesn't matter. I end up having to use another card - which doesn't do B of A any good - and when I rush home and look up my balance (though I know there is money to cover my purchase) I freak out until I see that indeed I have plenty of money to cover.
I don't keep my cards piled on top of one another so that they wipe out the magnetic strip...and even if that was true, other cards are fine. Ridiculous.
Maybe B of A doesn't piss me off, maybe plastic does. ...or magnets do.

It's good to be back...complaining to no one.