Sunday, May 17, 2009


I am in a constant quest of karma cleansing, as I think bad things about others. A lot. I’m on the slow boat to hell even if purgatory exists and I get a free pass there instead of Gehenna itself. I don’t have enough friends to pray me out. Ever.

That said, here comes the latest spew of venom. I’ve had just about enough of supercilious jerkwads who think they’re better than everyone else. Sure, I have specific jerkwads in mind, but let me be general:

You work on the top floor of your building and your gigantic windows afford you a sweet view. You live in a great neighborhood and someone else mows your lawn and prunes your hedges. You drive an awesome car and have a hottie wife. Your children were raised by the hired help and all went to Ivy League schools, even though probably you had to pay their way both in and through.

I’m pretty sure you were a jerkwad even as a kid, but your mama told you how awesome you were and that she loved you no matter what anyone said, so it didn’t matter that you were fat or short or stole lunch money from the other kids or kicked sand on weaklings or made fun of poindexters or cheated on your prom date. Your mama still loves you, god rest her soul, and you’re a gift from on high to us all, lest we forget.

I pray for and await your downfall.

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